Advantages of the Auction Method
The property gets sold on your timetable. Using the auction method, property can typically be marketed and sold within a four to six week time frame. A timely auction allows the seller to dramatically reduce expensive holding costs such as depreciation, insurance, interest, taxes, maintenance, utilities, vandalism, theft and acts of nature.
Bring together, in one location, all prospective bidders interested in the property and then arouses their natural competitiveness. Setting a specific date and time of the sale creates a sense of urgency and forces the prospective buyers to a point of decision.
The terms of the sale are announced in advance so there is no negotiating. The property is sold “as is” without any contingencies. When selling at public auction buyers do not tell you what they want done before they will buy your home; you set the terms and conditions yourself. The seller is able to sell the property at market value as determined through the public auction process with many potential buyers at one time, not by a private negotiation with a single interested party.
An advertising program is tailored to the seller’s property which will attract the largest number of potential buyers by means of color flyers, intensive direct mail, newspaper and periodical advertising, bulk emails, Face book and Internet advertising. The competitive bidding format creates confidence among the buyers when they see other people willing to pay a similar amount for the property. Fraise Auction specializes in selling land, homes acreages, farm machinery & heavy equipment, business & commercial liquidations, antiques, household goods, estates and all other personal property at public auction.
Bring together, in one location, all prospective bidders interested in the property and then arouses their natural competitiveness. Setting a specific date and time of the sale creates a sense of urgency and forces the prospective buyers to a point of decision.
The terms of the sale are announced in advance so there is no negotiating. The property is sold “as is” without any contingencies. When selling at public auction buyers do not tell you what they want done before they will buy your home; you set the terms and conditions yourself. The seller is able to sell the property at market value as determined through the public auction process with many potential buyers at one time, not by a private negotiation with a single interested party.
An advertising program is tailored to the seller’s property which will attract the largest number of potential buyers by means of color flyers, intensive direct mail, newspaper and periodical advertising, bulk emails, Face book and Internet advertising. The competitive bidding format creates confidence among the buyers when they see other people willing to pay a similar amount for the property. Fraise Auction specializes in selling land, homes acreages, farm machinery & heavy equipment, business & commercial liquidations, antiques, household goods, estates and all other personal property at public auction.